While Fulfilling the usual Curriculum requirements and providing full facilities for learning and growth
- Parents are earnestly requested to enforce regularity and discipline upon their wards at home and see that their child prepares his/her lessons and complete the home work daily assigned to him/her
- Parents/Guradians can meet the concerned teachers to discuss the performance of their ward on every Saturday in the last hour except second Saturday.
- No child will be granted short/half day leave,unless there is any emergency or unavoidable circumstances.
- Persons other than parents or the deputed guardian will not be allowed to collect the child from the school before the dispersal.
- Parents presence is compulsory on special occasions: (i) Competitions Annual Day or any other to important function/important day will encourage your ward to participate maximum.
- They should provide their latest office and residental address and telephone numbers in the school office.These are vital for the safety of their wards.
- They should check regularly that their ward carries text books/note books according to the time table so that the school bag is easy to carry.
- They must guide their ward to maintain a record of worksheets and school circulars.
- Parents are requested to ensure that their wards should not carry any costly things or jewellery with them. The school will not be to responsible for any loss.
- Parents are requested to visit the school website regularly.
- All communications by the Parents should be addressed to the Principal /the Director.
- Students must converse only in English during school hours. Parents should also provide a conducive atmosphere at home to improve their communication spills.
- Parents should not criticise any teacher in the presence of their ward.
- However if the matter remains unsolved at the level of the class/subject teacher,they contact the Principal/the Director.
- All the teachers try their best to use innvoted and best methods to teach the students as per their callibre.Tell the students to participate actively.
- We are grooming the students to be socially sensitive through intellectually challenging and contemporary diverse culture.
- Wide Spectrum of programs faired with flexibility,experiential learning and inter disciplinary orientation emancipate our students to explore their interest and pursue fulfilling careers.
- We believe that education is a journey, not just piece of paper.
- Students are given the opportunity to participate in various activities and competitions. This would help them to perform to the best of their abilities in every walk of life.